
May 8th, 2007

Hello everyone. Just thought I would announce that this is the one year anniversary of Congratulations to all the writing staff (me) for all the mindless dribble (this). Cheers.

go go gadget immune system

May 1st, 2007

My throat hates me. The last few days it’s been pretty sore, but I’m praying that it’s on the upswing. In any case, yesterday I took one of my rare sick days, and today is my day off. Hence, I present you with a new post.

Last week we had a seminar of sorts at my Church. This resulted in me being at Chris’ house pretty much every night of the week. In turn, that produced 1) a lot of ping pong, and 2) the discovery that I can record from an instrument onto my macbook without a preamp. (it’s not perfect, but it can be done.) I’m thinking of laying down some tracks. If I do, I’ll put them up for your listening pleasure. Me and Daniel are also planning to release some songs as the Pinney Taylor Experience. Prepare to be amazed.

Rosie is off the Spew (as Alison calls it). I think this is probably good for the viewers of that show and the country in general. However, it’s time to stop besmirching her on the news. Let’s get on with our lives.

Beulah introduced me to the music of Kristin Andreassen. I highly recommend that you check out her website — particularly you should listen to Crayola on her myspace page.

If you’re one of those people who has been thinking about trying soy-based foods, but has been scared because it just doesn’t seem natural, I’m here to tell you as a non-vegetarian that it’s okay. Try it out. Silk’s vanilla soy milk actually tastes better on cereal than regular milk. I’ve also been trying some of the soy hamburger and chicken variants. On the meat, I probably wouldn’t notice a difference unless someone pointed it out to me. That’s also true of the chicken patties. I’m not about to go vegetarian, but I think I will eat more soy-based foods just for health reasons. I get more than enough meat to keep me healthy.

I work at a credit union, in case any of you don’t know. What you are about to view is good, solid financial advice. Tim Gotkiewicz linked to this video from his myspace page. I love it. This is the best way to get your debt under control, people. Watch this video; save yourself some heartache.

Time to go get some O.J. Who needs antibiotics?


April 14th, 2007

I can’t fathom why I’m still up, but I owe you all a blog. I can’t very well write it if I’m asleep, now can I? Last month, I promised stories and pictures — so stories and pictures you shall have.

I spent the last weekend in March with Daniel and his cousin, Blake. There was XBox, DDR, and even some bowling. It turns out Daniel’s grandmother is a very good bowler. Sometimes I laugh when people get beat in bowling by their grandmothers.

I was long overdue for a trip to Nashville, so I took one a couple of weeks ago. Nick just closed on a new house, and as usual, he was very hospitable. I think my favorite part of his house is the projector he has connected to an old school NES. Ninja Turtles brought back so many memories.


Of course I also had fun hanging out with Melanie. (She made some valiant efforts to get Mario past level 1-1. It was highly entertaining.) Harkabus and I went to a Mexican restaurant where I stuffed myself beyond reason and then we saw Blades of Glory. I didn’t have high expectations going into it, but I nearly cried from laughing so hard.


This next thing I cannot explain in words, so I’ll just show you the video. It is Melanie’s roomate, Anna, and her dog, Diva. Behold:

Last weekend, I flew back up to N.C. to see Leslie and Sara, and to hang out with Beulah. It was only a weekend, but getting out of town does me good. There was some King of the Hill, some ping pong, some guitar playing, and some eating. It was good times. I found out that Beulah’s Dad is a talented guitar player. I saw Leslie and Sara’s rats that have moved in with them. Leslie actually preached on Sunday, and did a great job.


Other than my trips, I’ve been getting things done here. My taxes are finished. I’ve also updated my photo gallery. I invite you to check out the new look and keep an eye out for new albums. You may notice a few changes on the blog, too. Mostly the way information is displayed on this excellent Blix theme. I’m considering coding my own WordPress theme once I get the hang of PHP and the general WordPress structure. I’m open to any suggestions in that vein.

Until next time, eat your Wheaties.

home movies

March 17th, 2007

If you have a sibling, and you aren’t as close to them as you should be, then call them. Give them a hug. Build on that relationship. I say this because God has blessed me with a really awesome brother, and I would hate for you all to miss out on that kind of closeness.

The mushy stems from the visit I had with Leslie and Sara this weekend in North Carolina. I took my camera, but unfortunately took no pictures. Who does that? The visit was great though. It’d been too long since I’d seen Leslie. I got to see his humongous office at the Church where he works, and we played some marathon pingpong. Other activities included lots of NFL Blitz on Gamecube and driving among the majestic Blue Ridge mountains.

I thought that Leslie and I might grow more distant after he got married, but I’m pleased to say that hasn’t happened. In fact, I’ve gained a very cool sister-in-law. I realized she was cool when she did Tae Bo in front of people without stopping out of embarrassment. That’s how I feel about DDR, so I give her kudos. You might remember from one of my previous posts that I have spent some time hanging out with Sara’s sister, Christianna, in Montreal. It was good to get to know the other Blouin sister a little bit better. Needless to say, I’m really pleased with Leslie’s choice in a wife.

Leslie and Sara also introduced me to one of their friends, Beulah. They told me she was very cool, and I’m beginning to agree. Here are some reasons why: 1) She has a 3-legged dog. 2) Her Dad and brother play bluegrass. 3) She watched an entire season of Home Movies with me at Leslie and Sara’s in one sitting. And she liked it. Anyone who likes that show the first time has got to be okay.

One other thing Beulah did was convince me to finally sign up for Facebook. So now I’ve got a profile there. If you’re so inclined, feel free to add me there. I love talking to my friends, both old and new.

That’s all for now, but I shall post again soon, with pics from this week! Stay tuned…

no regrets

March 6th, 2007

I’m feeling opinionated… so prepare to bear the brunt of my ruminations.

They used to come to me by e-mail, but things tend to move from one form of annoying to another without changing their nature (like this blog). Of course, I speak of Myspace bulletin surveys. Despite my best efforts, I read some of them. I see a lot of this question, in one form or another, “If you had it to do over again, would you (insert X)?”

Frequently, the reply is, in one form or another, “No, I have no regrets. If I hadn’t made the choices I did, I wouldn’t be who I am today.”

Excuse my language, but Poppycock.

There. I’ve said it.

While I respect many of the people who feel this way, I disagree with their line of thought on this subject.

We are so terribly concerned that life doesn’t catch us by surprise. More importantly, we desperately don’t want look like fools. Good luck with that, mortal.

When the “no regrets” band wagon was first loaded, I think it made sense. It was an encouragement. “Follow your dreams, brother. Don’t let fear keep you from that something great which you would do.” In other words, live your life in such a way that you will have no regrets.

It means something else now, doesn’t it? Now, it entails making yet another offering to the Great (Everyone Needs to Know How Cool and Self-Confident) I Am. And what, exactly, is bound upon the altar? Repentance and humility, for starters. I’ve made a lot of bad choices. I can think of a few I’d gladly take back, given the chance. To my understanding, that is part of repentance. It doesn’t mean I have to dwell on the past and live in guilt — that ignores forgiveness. What it does mean is realizing that what I’ve done is wrong. If I wouldn’t change it, given the chance, then I can’t have changed much. I suspect on that point, many of you will disagree; and you are entitled.

Let me leave you with this question, though. What is the reason for this dedication to our past? Are we so pleased with ourselves now that we’re glad we didn’t always take God’s path? Maybe we are. I really believe that if I had taken God’s path, I’d be in a much better position than I am now. When I don’t recognize that fact, I let my arrogance fly in the face of His wisdom and His will.

Here is one of my favorite sections of scripture, Deuteronomy 30:15-19:

See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess. This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Apparently, we can look back on our lives and say to God, “God, thanks for bringing me so far. I’m pretty happy with where we are now. Honestly, aren’t You glad we didn’t do it Your way? I mean, we wouldn’t be here today if we had!”

I’m sure God understands. After all, we know best.
