Well done, Congress.

This is the letter of thanks I sent to my Congressman, Jeff Miller for voting against the recent financial bailout bill. If your House representative voted against this bill and you agreed, please write or call them and let them know you stand by them. Those who voted against this bill are going to be feeling particularly vulnerable right now because of the market’s reaction. Make no mistake, there is nothing we can do to avoid some level of recession at this point. However, the vote today prevented us from exacerbating the situation, and I was pleasantly surprised. Who knew you could get fired up about Congress?

Congressman Miller,

THANK YOU!!! I just want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the stand you made today with your constituents. You made the right call. I believe what you have done today prevented us from throwing gasoline on an already burning building. Please continue to stand your ground if this bill is recycled in some other form, and I will continue to support you however I can. Thank you again!


Lloyd Taylor

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