what’s important?

You may have noticed that I’ve been blogging a lot about the state of our current economic system, frustration with the Federal Reserve, and as Philip calls it, my “Ron Paul man love.”

It occurs to me that even if our nation breaks down, even if we enter a world-wide collapse worse than the Great Depression, even if our country is dissolved and we lose the freedoms we hold so dear…

none of these things is important.

I am a citizen of the United States, and I’m proud to be one. However, before I’m a citizen of the U.S., I am a citizen of the Kingdom. Before I have civil rights or enjoy democratic privileges, I commit my life to the Ruler of the Kingdom. Jesus. Im mannu El (the God-with-us One). All power and authority belong to Him, and His kingdom is not of this world. If it were, His servants would have fought for Him at the crucifixion. If it were, this world would enjoy the light of His face daily. If it were, every tear would be dry, and there would be no more pain — or death.

I look forward to the day in which the Bride will join the Groom and all will be consummated. Until that time, let us remember that in this world we will have trouble, but no worries. He has overcome the world.


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