back in the saddle

Well, last night I got to speak at Church again for the first time in a long time. I even made a nice presentation for the class using Open Office Impress, which exported nicely to powerpoint. If you desire to see it, get the impress version, or the powerpoint version, if you must.

Unfortunately, my voice is really monotone most of the time, even when I’m excited about something, so I think it might have been a little dull. Anyway, the important thing is that I’m back teaching, and I need the practice. I think it will be easier with time. The teen class is still more fun, though.

Also, some great news: Futurama is coming Back!!! Yes, the show that has helped me maintain so much of my sanity is coming back for more episodes, and I am thrilled. And, though that news is music to my ears, some even greater news: my own little brother is engaged!! His fiancĂ© is a wonderful lady. Props to him for actually talking to her, and props to her for not running away when he did. Just kidding ; ) Really though, I’m very excited for them, and I will update whenever they decide a date.

What else? I have been growing a beard. I really think I should have done this long ago. And I would have… had I been able to. But now I can. So behold, the MIGHTY BEARDED Lloyd:


Yes, I know, it is quite awesome. I’m fairly certain that this beard is going to be a critical tool in my conquest of the world. For instance, did you know that since I started this stubble of power, I have obtained (1) free movie from blockbuster and (2) half – priced subs at subway? No coupons, just the beard, thank you. Coincidence? I think not.

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